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"We have worked with the DSET team for a number of years, creating many successful projects together – which have benefitted not only our students but the local and national businesses that we have partnered with. As an example, our collaboration with the Royal Navy and Novatech to create a RIB simulator was so successful that, following it’s showing at DSET the Royal Navy awarded a £500,000 contract to Novatech to make 15 more of these simulators – and they are now used across the UK for VR Training simulation. There are many other examples, which show the real world power of the projects created and supported through DSET. DSET has also proved to be a key supporter of inclusivity, helping to promote women and other under-represented groups in this area and helping to pull the sector in to a diverse modern world through its work in this area. "

Portsmouth University

"The RSA has gained enormously from DSET not least that, through collaboration, we have for the last year employed a simulation Intern (I think the first military establishment to do so) to support us in the delivery of our emerging training capabilities. She has proved herself as a ‘combat multiplier’ – what she has been able to do would have taken a military person significantly longer and at a far greater cost."

Royal School of Artillery, UK

"We have considerable experience of working with and attending military S&T events across the world. We can therefore confirm that with DSET’s leadership and culture that it is uniquely placed in the UK to support and deliver greater diversity and inclusion in a community with well publicised shortfalls in this regard. We are confident that Ruddy Nice will actively promote diversity and participation in the S&T community, for the military and wider industry and academia. DSET has already made significant strides with demonstrable improvements in diversity and inclusion but there is still some distance to go and resources and commitment are required to sustain this effort. Another unique aspect of DSET is that its agenda is developed collaboratively and a genuine community spirit has been developed and grown. It also looks beyond defence to bring in fresh ideas from other sectors including video gaming and blue light services. "

Andy Smith, President, Halldale Media

"This has been a big week: incredibly rewarding, forward thinking & purposeful. It was great to see so many folk coming together to challenge where we are & recognise the synergy between digital & live."

Darren Crook, DE&S

"Building networks and forging friendships at the #DSET 2023 Defence Women's Action Board social event this evening."

Adelle Adams, RINA

"From engaging conversations to fruitful networking sessions, we met industry leaders, decision-makers, and potential collaborators who were captivated by our innovative solutions. This exhibition wasn't just about showcasing our expertise; it was a prime learning opportunity too. Engaging presentations, discussions, and workshops broadened our horizons, equipping us with fresh insights to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence in Training & Simulation."

Matt Golding, Novatech